Sunday, May 16, 2010

Holden's religious point of view

I just wanted to write about Holden's religious view. It is very interesting how he also criticizes people from the bible. He doesn't really like those disciples because he thinks that they are tempted to make everything for Jesus . He likes Jesus, but he doesn't really believe in him. He read the Bible,but he affirms that he is on the atheist side. His dad is Catholic. Holden doesn't like this type of religion, even though he is not very religious person. Well, his dad wants him to be a Catholic, but Holden wouldn't make this step. He hates the thing that all Catholics are always trying to find out if you are Catholic or not. Holden's religious point of view is very naive. He thinks that people from the Bible are phony. Even here he thinks that. He is very innocent because he liked talking to religious people like those two nuns, but he doesn't really believe in God. I think that Holden is just really confused about religion and he doesn't have a lot of information about why people choose to believe in God.

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