Sunday, May 9, 2010

Holden Caulfield is different from other teenagers

Holden Caulfield is very different from other teenagers because his life experience hasn't been quite rich. Typical adolescents are more courageous and more diverse then him. As he belongs to a wealthy family, he didn't take advantage of it's offering in order to be very good student in a school that his parents sent him to. From everything I read in the book " The catcher in the Rye," I think that Holden is just an ignorant that hates himself and his life. My impression about him has changed during reading, however I don't really like him. Of course I understand that he is suffering from the death of his brother, but he needs to move on. Life goes on. A lot of bad things are happening and people are strong and they just forget about past and think about their present. Holden doesn't have a lot of information about how he should live his life and what he needs to do and what he should not do. He doesn't know how to act mature because nobody told him or taught him how to. He needs support from his friends and family. He needs advice and he needs a lot of lessons, but the problem is that nobody in his surroundings realize that. In our society, most of teenagers trust their parents with everything they need and they are not ashamed of sharing all their emotions with them.

Holden hates all people around him. He observes everyone's actions and he is criticizing everybody. He hates when people are polite and he hates when they are lying because he thinks that all of them are phony, however Holden admits in the book that he is the most terrific liar we would ever see. This statement makes me think that he hates himself then. Nowadays, teens are more likely to appreciate their lives and their families or friends. They love people and they have a lot of fun during this age. My opinion is that people should like themselves before others like them.

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